Dr. Daniel R. Page

Daniel R. Page, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.C.Sc.(Hons.)

Theoretical Computer Scientist, Science Educator

Current Activities
Research Interests
Research Publications
Conferences Attended
Teaching, and Tutoring
Academic Awards
Other Activities and Selected Software

Email (Business): gle[a____t]pagewizardgames.com
Email (Personal):

Phone (Business/Personal): (204) 599 - 9687

I am your local Computer Science Prof. and Owner of PageWizard Games, Learning & Entertainment in the RM of Springfield, MB, Canada.

I was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. My primary research interests are in Theoretical Computer Science:
  • Algorithms,
  • Combinatorial Optimization,
  • Scheduling Theory,
  • Graph Theory,
  • Theory of Computation,
  • Computational Discrete Mathematics.

Recently, I have been interested in scheduling theory and its ties with graph theory in the development of approximation algorithms and computational complexity results. Widely I have interests in algorithmic problems of Theoretical Computer Science and Combinatorial Optimization, with a specific focus at the crossroads of approximation algorithms, scheduling problems, and parameterized complexity. At the present time I am investigating parallel machine scheduling problems and hard scheduling/packing problems on graphs, in an attempt to further unravel their underlying complexities. Many of the algorithmic problems I investigate have applications in Operations Research.

Most recently, I was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science at New College of Florida. With many years of experience teaching, I have held positions, such as Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Instructor, and Researcher for public universities such as The University of Manitoba, The University of Western Ontario, St. Francis Xavier University, and The University of Regina, and my educator experience also includes, but is not limited to, having worked for respected educational institutions such as The Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada and Mad Science of Manitoba.


2015 - 2019 Doctor of Philosophy (University of Western Ontario) 

2012 - 2014 Master of Science (University of Manitoba) 

2007 - 2011 Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) (University of Manitoba)

  • Major: Computer Science
  • Minor: Mathematics
  • Concentrations: Theoretical Computer Science, and Computer Graphics
Current Activities
Presently I am focused on my academic research in Theoretical Computer Science and institutional corruption of Canadian universities, multimedia projects, and my creation of new, exciting, and high-quality educational content in Computer Science.

PageWizard Games, Learning & Entertainment: For the public, I regularly create online educational content in Computer Science and more! Please consider supporting this research and these projects..

Youtube Quora Patreon SubscribeStar Paypal

New Book: Advanced Data Structures: An Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms.

Research Interests
At the moment I am especially interested in the area of Combinatorial Optimization in relation to approximation algorithms.  In particular, the relationship between efficient exact-solution algorithms for restricted variations of NP-Hard problems, their hardness of approximation results, and approximation algorithms for NP-Hard problems. I focus on both algorithmic and theoretic results.

Some of my current investigations/interests:

  • Makespan minimization on unrelated parallel machines and special cases of this problem: computational complexity results, approximation algorithms, and combinatorial algorithms.
  • Makespan minimization on unrelated parallel machines with bags.
  • The study of approximation algorithms and inapproximability for NP-hard problems closely related to hard scheduling problems.
  • Packing variants of graph orienteering problems: approximation and parameterized algorithms.
  • Integer programming for scheduling and packing problems: algorithms, lower bounds.

Other research interests:

  • Academic freedom, teaching, and standards issues in Canadian STEM fields (Computer Science).

Journal articles

Algorithms for the Thief Orienteering Problem on Directed Acyclic Graphs.
Andrew Bloch-Hansen, Roberto Solis-Oba, D.R. Page. Submitted November 2023.

Makespan Minimization on Unrelated Parallel Machines with a Few Bags.
D.R. Page, Roberto Solis-Oba. Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 821 (12 June 2020), pages 34-44. Elsevier. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2020.03.013

Makespan Minimization on Unrelated Parallel Machines with Simple Job-Intersection Structure and Bounded Job Assignments.
D.R. Page, Roberto Solis-Oba, Marten Maack. Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 809 (24 February 2020), pages 204-217. Elsevier. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2019.12.009

Approximation Algorithms for the Graph Balancing Problem with Two Speeds and Two Job Lengths [SharedIt - View Only*].
D.R. Page, Roberto Solis-Oba. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (JOCO), Volume 37 (1 April 2019), pages 1045-1070. Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10878-018-0339-x

A 3/2-Approximation Algorithm for the Graph Balancing Problem with Two Weights [Open Access].
D.R. Page, Roberto Solis-Oba. Algorithms, Volume 9 (Issue 2), 38 - June 2016. MDPI. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/a9020038

Approximation Algorithms for Subclasses of the Makespan Problem on Unrelated Parallel Machines with Restricted Processing Times [Mirror][Accepted Version, has a minor correction].
D.R. Page. SOP Transactions on Applied Mathematics, Scientific Online Publishing, Volume 2 (Issue 1) - January 2015.

Parallel Algorithm for Second-Order Restricted Weak Integer Composition Generation for Shared Memory Machines [Accepted Version*].
D.R. Page. Parallel Processing Letters (PPL), Volume 23 (Issue 3) - September 2013. World Scientific. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129626413500102

Generalized Algorithm for Restricted Weak Composition Generation [Accepted Version*].
D.R. Page. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research (JMMA), Volume 12 (Issue 4), pages 345-372 - December 2013. Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10852-012-9194-4

Conference papers

A Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for Thief Orienteering on Directed Acyclic Graphs.
Andrew Bloch-Hansen, D.R. Page, Roberto Solis-Oba. Accepted, 34th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2023).

Makespan Minimization on Unrelated Parallel Machines with a Few Bags [Accepted Version*].
D.R. Page, Roberto Solis-Oba. In: Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management. AAIM 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 11343, pages 24-35. Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-04618-7_3 (AAIM 2018).

Makespan Minimization on Unrelated Parallel Machines with Simple Job-Intersection Structure and Bounded Job Assignments [Accepted Version*].
D.R. Page, Roberto Solis-Oba, Marten Maack. In: Combinatorial Optimization and Applications. COCOA 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 11346, pages 341-356. Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-04651-4_23 (COCOA 2018).


D.R. Page, Advanced Data Structures: An Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms. PageWizard Games, Learning & Entertainment. 2020. 160 pages. ISBN 9781777407513, ISBN-10 1777407516, ISBN (eBook) 978777407506.


Ph.D. Thesis: Approximation Algorithms for Problems in Makespan Minimization on Unrelated Parallel Machines.
D.R. Page, Supervisor: Dr. Roberto Solis-Oba, Ph.D. Thesis, Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 6109. April 2019, The University of Western Ontario

M.Sc. Thesis: Tractability and Approximability for Subclasses of the Makespan Problem on Unrelated Parallel Machines.
D.R. Page, Supervisor: Dr. Ben Pak Ching Li, M.Sc. Thesis, August 2014,  University of Manitoba.

Thesis:  Generalized Methods for Restricted Weak Composition Enumeration, (not online)  (August 2011).
D.R. Page, Supervisor:  Dr. John van Rees, University of Manitoba, Summer 2011. (Undergraduate Thesis)

Other Articles, on academic freedom, univerisites, and issues in academic institutions

Concerns of Sample-Based Marking in Canadian Computer Science [Archived] .
D.R. Page, Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship Newsletter, Issue 97 (February 2024), pages 13-14, 2024.

Inclusion Through Exclusion: The Culling of Academics in Canadian Universities .
D.R. Page, Preliminary Research and Data Sets, published December 13, 2023.

University of Regina CS Lecturer Received "Letter of Expectation" (and More) for Criticizing School's DIE Policies [HTML].
D.R. Page, Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship Newsletter, Issue 91 (January 2022), pages 5-9, 2022.

Non-refereed articles, letters and reports

(Second) Alum Open Letter to Head of Department of Computer Science, Dr. Mike Domaratzki, at Western University in Regard to DIE Statements/Pledges for Computer Science Job Advertisements.
D.R. Page, February 2024.

(First) Alum Open Letter to Head of Department of Computer Science, Dr. Mike Domaratzki, at Western University in Regard to DIE Statements/Pledges for Computer Science Job Advertisements.
D.R. Page, November 2023.

Alum Open Letter to Head of Department of Computer Science, Dr. David Gerhard, at The University of Manitoba in Regard to DIE Statements and Restricted Hiring for Computer Science Job Advertisements.
D.R. Page, November 2023.

Open Letter to Head of Department of Computer Science, Dr. Orland Hoeber, The University of Regina in Regard to Sample-Based Marking.
D.R. Page, September 2023.

Retrogressive "Classic Game" Image Processing [ResearchGate].
D.R. Page, Neil D.B. Bruce, Self-published Oct. 6, 2014, prepared October 2013.  ResearchGate DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1582.4647

Drawing String Graphs for 8-Grid Outerplanar Grid Drawings [ResearchGate].
D.R. Page,  Self-published Oct. 2, 2014, research completed May 2013. ResearchGate DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1496.9602  

Survey:  Enumeration Algorithms for Unrestricted and Restricted Compositions and Words, (online) (January 2011).
D.R. Page, originally completed at University of Manitoba, Winter 2011.



I have reviewed for the following conferences and journals:

Conferences & Workshops

While not limited to the below, conferences and workshops I have at attended include:
  • SAFS Annual Academic Meeting 2024 [May 10-11, 2024], London, Canada.
  • FCT 2023 (24th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory) [September 18-21, 2023], Trier, Germany (online)
  • IWOCA 2023 (34th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms) [June 7-10, 2023], Tainan, Taiwan (online)
    • Andrew Bloch-Hansen gave the talk presenting our accepted paper, "A Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for Thief Orienteering on Directed Acyclic Graphs."
  • EDI and Academic Freedom: an honest dialogue [April 20-21, 2023], Heterodox Academy Canada and McGill Heterodox Academy Campus Community, Canada (online)
  • Academic Freedom Conference [Nov 4-5, 2022], Stanford, USA (online)
  • PMS 2022 (18th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling) [April 6-7, 2022] Ghent, Belgium (online)
  • IPCO 2021 (22nd Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization) [May 19-21, 2021], Atlanta, Georgia, USA (online)
  • PMS 2020/2021 (17th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling) [April 21-23, 2021], Toulouse, France (online)
  • APPROX 2020 (International Conference on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems) [August 17-19, 2020] (online)
  • ICALP 2020 (47th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming) [July 8-11, 2020] (online)
  • IPCO 2020 (21st Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization) [June 8-10, 2020], London, UK (online).
    • Also attended the Summer School [June 6-June 7, 2020] preceding the conference.
  • UWORCS 2019 (University of Western Ontario) [April 10, 2019]
    • Volunteered as a judge for the Computer Algebra session of UWORCS 2019.
  • COCOA 2018 (12th International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications) [December 15-17, 2018], Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
    • I was a speaker at the conference for our accepted paper "Makespan Minimization on Unrelated Parallel Machines with Simple Job-Intersection Structure and Bounded Job Assignments".
  • AAIM 2018 (12th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects of Information and Management) [December 3-4, 2018], Richardson, Texas, USA.
    • I was a speaker at the conference for our accepted paper "Makespan Minimization on Unrelated Parallel Machines with a Few Bags". I was a chair for one of the sessions at the conference.
  • UWORCS 2018 (University of Western Ontario) [April 12, 2018]
    • I was a speaker in the Data Mining, Machine Learning, AI & Theory of Computer Science session.
  • UWORCS 2017 - 25th anniversary (University of Western Ontario) [April 10, 2017]
    • Volunteered as a chair and judge for the Computer Algebra session of UWORCS 2017. I also was a speaker at the event in another session.
  • Computationally Assisted Mathematical Discovery and Experimental Mathematics, ACMES (Algorithms and Complexity in Mathematics, Epistemology, and Science) [May 12-15, 2016]
  • UWORCS 2016 (University of Western Ontario) [April 8, 2016]
    • Volunteered as a chair and judge for HCI, Distributed Systems, and Software Engineering session of UWORCS 2016. I also was a speaker at the event.
  • UWORCS 2015 (University of Western Ontario) [April 2015]
  • Prairie Discrete Mathematics Workshop 2010 (University of Manitoba) [April 28-29, 2010]

My current teaching experience, includes but is not limited to:

  • PageWizard Games, Learning & Entertainment (YouTube Channel) : Delivery of free, online videos to learn more about Computer Science; these are written, recorded, and produced by myself and freely available and accessible. Current lessons/lecture series include:
  • University Teaching (2012-current): I am presently teaching as a Visiting Assistant Professor at New College of Florida (2023-2024). Previously, I was a Lecturer for the Department of Computer Science at The University of Regina (2021-2022), and before this I taught for the Department of Computer Science at St. Francis Xavier University (2020), as an Assistant Professor. I have worked as a Limited-Duties Instructor at the University of Western Ontario (2019) and as a Sessional Instructor/Lecturer at the University of Manitoba (2012-2014), the courses I have taught or will be teaching include:
    • New College of Florida (NCF):
      • CSCI 3160 - Data Structures
      • CSCI 3260 - Theory of Computation
      • Tutorial: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (1 student)
      • Group Independent Study Project (ISP) - Fundamentals of 2D Game Development (10 students)
      • CSCI 3200 - Algorithms
      • CSCI 4525 - Cryptography
      • Tutorial: Advanced Algorithms (1 student)
    • University of Regina (UR) (Lectures):
      • CS 210 - Data Structures and Algorithms [The course architect during my time at UR]
      • CS 340 - Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Design
      • CS 411 - Computability and Formal Languages
      • CS 499 - Honours Seminar
      • CS 811 - Theory of Computing
      • CS 900 - Computer Science Graduate Seminar
    • St. Francis Xavier University (StFX):
      • CSCI 128 - Computing Literacy and Coding for Problem Solving
      • CSCI/MATH 277 - Discrete Structures
      • Among updating some teaching materials, I prepared and solely designed the following courses; these were processed, voted on, and approved:
        • CSCI 550 - Approximation Algorithms (a new graduate course)
        • CSCI 435 - Algorithms and Complexity (a new undergraduate course - See poster)
    • University of Western Ontario (UWO):
      • COMPSCI 2210B - Data Structures and Algorithms
    • University of Manitoba (UM):
      • COMP 2080 - Analysis of Algorithms
      • COMP 1260 - Introductory Computer Usage 1

    Teaching History (Regular Courses):

University Course Term # of Students
NCF CSCI 4525 [Cryptography and Data Privacy] Spring 2024
NCF CSCI 3200 [Algorithms] Spring 2024
NCF CSCI 3260 [Theory of Computation] Fall 2023
NCF CSCI 3160 [Data Structures] Fall 2023
UR CS 499/900 [Honours Seminar/CS Graduate Seminar] Spring/Summer 2022
UR CS 210 [Data Structures and Algorithms] Spring 2022
UR CS 210 [Data Structures and Algorithms] Winter 2022
UR CS 340 [Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Design] Winter 2022
UR CS 811 [Theory of Computing] Fall 2021
UR CS 411 [Computability and Formal Languages] Fall 2021
UR CS 340 [Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Design] Fall 2021
StFX CSCI/MATH 277 [Discrete Structures] Winter 2020
StFX CSCI 128 [Computing Literacy and Coding for Problem Solving] Winter 2020
UWO COMPSCI 2210B [Data Structures and Algorithms] Winter 2019
UM COMP 2080 [Analysis of Algorithms] Summer Session 2014 46
UM COMP 1260 [Introductory Computer Usage 1] Winter 2014 72
UM COMP 1260 [Introductory Computer Usage 1] Fall 2013


UM COMP 2080 [Analysis of Algorithms] Summer Session 2013 44
UM COMP 1260 [Introductory Computer Usage 1] Winter 2013


UM COMP 1260 [Introductory Computer Usage 1] Fall 2012


UM COMP 1260 [Introductory Computer Usage 1] Summer Session 2012


*Current course
Rate My Professors (StFX): 5 out of 5 overall (March 2023)
Rate My Professors (UM/UWO): 4.8 out of 5 overall (March 2023).
Rate My Professors (UR): 4.5 out of 5 overall (March 2023).
    • Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Western Ontario (2015 - 2018):
      • CS1026 - Computer Science Fundamentals I (Summer 2018)
      • CS1027B - Computer Science Fundamentals II (Winter 2018)
      • CS4445A/9544A - Analysis of Algorithms II (Fall 2017)
      • CS1027 - Computer Science Fundamentals II (Summer 2017)
      • CS1027B - Computer Science Fundamentals II (Winter 2017)
      • CS3307A - Object-Oriented Design and Analysis (Fall 2016)
      • CS1027B - Computer Science Fundamentals II (Winter 2016)
      • CS3307A - Object-Oriented Design and Analysis (Fall 2015)
      • CS1027B - Computer Science Fundamentals II (Winter 2015)
  • Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada (November 2011 - November 2014) - Museum Interpreter
    • Conducts tours and educational programs under the Take Flight Program. A multifaceted position.
    • Hosts birthday parties, which entails a tour, activities, and facilitating the event.
  • Mad Science (September 2011 - April 2012) - Science Instructor
    • Lunch Hour, and After-school science programs.
    • Maximum of 20 students ranging from grades one to six.
    • Programs range from 6 to 8 week programs.
    • One hour classes that meet weekly.

I have tutored the following courses in the past in Manitoba:

Secondary School Level:

  • Grade 10 Pre-Calculus
  • Grade 11 Pre-Calculus
  • Grade 11 Physics
  • Grade 12 Pre-Calculus
  • Grade 12 Physics
  • Introduction to Calculus/Advanced Math

Post Secondary School Level:

Red River College

  • MATH1007 - Calculus

University of Manitoba

  • COMP1010 - Introduction to Computer Science 1
  • COMP1020 - Introduction to Computer Science 2
  • COMP2130 - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
  • COMP2140 - Data Structures and Algorithms
  • COMP2080 - Analysis of Algorithms
  • COMP3170 - Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures
  • MATH1500  - Introduction to Calculus
  • MATH1700  - Calculus 2
  • STAT1000   - Basic Statistical Analysis
Academic Awards & Grants
  • KiTE - Kiel Training for Excellence Fellowship (University of Kiel, Germany) (Awarded December 2023, declined due to professional commitments at New College of Florida)
    • 3-Year Research Interdisciplinary Fellowship. Annual salary of €75,000, with additional €500 monthly research allowance.
    • Proposed research program: "Algorithm Engineering for Approximation Algorithms and Schemes in Scheduling."
    • Won multi-round, merit-based competition, competed under Kiel Nano, Surface, and Interface Science (KiNSIS) priority research area.
  • Alley Heaps Associate, St. Francis Xavier University (Department of Computer Science) (awarded for 2020-2022, resigned in later 2020)
    • Annual research grant of $5000 per year for the period of three years ($15,000).
    • Additional salary support of $5000 in year 1, $4000 in year 2, and $3000 in year 3.
  • Western Experiential Fund, grant awarded in 2018 ($500) from Student Experience at University of Western Ontario
    • To aid in travel to conferences AAIM 2018 and COCOA 2018.
  • SOGS, University of Western Ontario - SOGS Graduate Student Teaching Awards Nominee (2017/2018)
    • Nominated while being a TA for CS1027 (Summer 2017)..
  • UWORCS 2018, University of Western Ontario - First Prize: Data Mining, Machine Learning, AI & Theory of Computer Science (April 2018)
    • Money Prize ($500), and certificate for my talk Job-Intersection Structure and Machine Capacities and Bags. Oh my! Approximating Makespan Minimization on Unrelated Parallel Machines.
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship, held Fall 2017 to the end of Summer 2018 ($15,000, distributed over 3 terms).
  • SOGS, University of Western Ontario - SOGS Graduate Student Teaching Awards Nominee (2016/2017)
    • Nominated by students and faculty. Nominated while being a TA for CS1027B and CS3307A.
  • UWORCS 2017, University of Western Ontario - First Prize: Computer Algebra and Theory of Computer Science (April 2017)
    • Money Prize ($250), and certificate for my talk Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines.
  • SOGS, University of Western Ontario - SOGS Graduate Student Teaching Awards Nominee (2015/2016)
    • Nominated by students and faculty. Nominated while being a TA for CS1027B.
  • UWORCS 2016, University of Western Ontario - First Prize: Theory of Computer Science, Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation (April 2016)
    • Money Prize ($250), and certificate for my talk Understanding the Gap: Approximation Algorithms and Inapproximability for the Makespan Minimization Problem on Unrelated Parallel Machines.
  • University 1, University of Manitoba - University 1 Excellence in Teaching Award Nominee (2012/2013)
    • Nominated by students in a first year class.  Nominated while teaching COMP 1260 (Introductory Computer Usage 1)
  • University of Manitoba (Department of Computer Science) - Special Department of Computer Science Award of Excellence
    • For achievements as a graduate student ($8,500).
Other activities

I am a user on Quora and ResearchGate. On Quora I have been a most-viewed writer, with over 4.8 million content views, on various topics relevant to Theoretical Computer Science, Top Writer 2018.

I am a member of SAFS, the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship (2018-current).

Here you will find a small set of examples of software I have worked outside my academic work, independently: